Coverdale Trust - Content

Leaving us a legacy

First of all I want to thank you for all your support for the Coverdale Trust and Adrian Snell, Paul Hobbs,  Dave Hopwood, Stephen Faux and West End Has Faith in particular. Our very talented Christian artists who share their faith and gifts in the UK and overseas so willingly but often without the financial support they require unless the Coverdale Trust helps.

The Coverdale Trust was founded in 1989 and like many charities nowadays struggles to make ends meet and could do so much more if it could increase its income significantly. This we are trying to do. 

Now to the purpose of this letter. Most charities rely on legacies to boost their income and I would like to ask you if you would be willing to think about including The Coverdale Trust in your will, and it doesn’t matter how small that gift may be, but it will safeguard the future of the Trust and the sharing of the Gospel through the arts for years to come. That is a high and important calling.

The Coverdale Trust can boast that 97% of all its income goes straight to the Christian artists so any gifts given go straight to the heart of The Coverdale Trust whose Mission Statement is:

To support Christian artists in the task of forming and transforming culture from a Biblical and Christian perspective. It does this by providing financial support to enable artists to perform, tour and exhibit worldwide when local funding is unavailable or insufficient.

If you think you may be able to help, encourage and make a lasting difference and need more information, please fill in the form on the contact page.

Thank You